First Giveaway Ever! 50 FREE Invites

The wedding season is just around the corner and I feel that this is the prefect time to do a giveaway! I want to giveaway 50 yes I said 50 FREE Wedding Invitations.

Are you wondering how you can get your hands on these 50 FREE Wedding Invitations. First, you must become a Fan of Plumtree Paper Goods on Facebook. Second, I ask that you send me your Name, Wedding Date and a short summary of why you want these great invitations to From there I will pick the deserving bride and groom to be.

The deadline for enters is May 19, 2011!

The 50 free wedding invitations will be digitally printed. They will be the standard 5x7 on 100% cotton paper (white or ivory). These invitations will also come with 50 envelopes in the same color as the invitation. The invitations are to be given away in the year 2011 and are non transferable. One enter per couple.


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